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1. Patch

This step is to export the context extracted from your tailwindcss as a Json file.


Install using your preferred package manager:

npm i -D tailwindcss-patch

Apply the Patch

  1. Apply the patch to tailwindcss
npx tw-patch install

Register npm hook

  1. Add the following command to the prepare hook in your npm configuration.


{ /* ... */ "scripts": { "prepare": "tw-patch install" } }


Command-line Cli

Start Extraction

npx tw-patch extract

By default, after a successful execution, a json file .tw-patch/tw-class-list.json will be generated in your project.

Of course, you can customize this behavior using the configuration file tailwindcss-mangle.config.ts.

Nodejs API

import { TailwindcssPatcher } from 'tailwindcss-patch' const twPatcher = new TailwindcssPatcher(/* options */) // Perform the patch action twPatcher.patch() // Get all contexts at runtime twPatcher.getContexts() // Get all classes generated by tailwindcss utilities twPatcher.getClassSet()

The core of this phase is to obtain the .tw-patch/tw-class-list.json file.

Once it is generated, you can start the Mangle process.



npx tw-patch init

This will create a tailwindcss-mangle.config.ts file in your current cwd:

import { defineConfig } from 'tailwindcss-patch' export default defineConfig({})

You can customize its behavior using the patch field:

import { defineConfig } from 'tailwindcss-patch' export default defineConfig({ patch: { output: { filename: 'xxx.json', loose: true, removeUniversalSelector: true }, tailwindcss: { config: 'path/to/your/tailwind.config.js', cwd: 'project/cwd' } } })
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